Monday, June 23, 2008

people: King Warhol

circa: 1928
end: 1987
I present to you the pioneer of pop-culture himself. If you do not know this face, well, all I can say is woe is me. In a nutshell this guy is EVERYTHING. Who knew Chicken Noodle Soup could be so chic. Andy will be a frequent face. So get in and live out =).
google him baby.
miss lipstank.

things: Meet Sam & Libby

circa: 1987
Here she is, possibly the primma donna of flats. Move over pumps, ballets are here for the taking. As a product of the 80's, I was able to enjoy these numbers, clad with oversized sweatshirts and stirrup leggings. Classic cannot be outdone by imitation and while Payless and the almighty Wal-Mart have tried to duplicate this essential item good 'ol S&L should be flattered, I mean imitation is the best form, right? I'm seeing skinnies, a flannel, and an oversized hobo..catch me out.
miss lipstank.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

people: Meet the Press

circa: 1987
when you combine an affinity for fashion, pop culture, and life together you get 21 year old megan d. aka miss lipstank. the world is a canvas for expression and she is ready to give you the tools to start painting. whether it is architecture, clothing, or little treasures that deserve a broadcast, she is at your service. be l i p s t a n k.
miss lipstank.